KETO - Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Pepper and French Fries
KETO - Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Pepper and French Fries

Hey everyone, it is me, Dave, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, keto - philly cheesesteak stuffed pepper and french fries. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

KETO - Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Pepper and French Fries is one of the most well liked of current trending meals on earth. It is enjoyed by millions every day. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. KETO - Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Pepper and French Fries is something which I’ve loved my whole life. They are nice and they look wonderful.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook keto - philly cheesesteak stuffed pepper and french fries using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make KETO - Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Pepper and French Fries:
  1. Prepare 1 lb Rare Roast Beef, shaved
  2. Take 2 medium Yellow Peppers
  3. Take 2 medium Red Peppers
  4. Get 1/3 cup chopped White Onion
  5. Get 1/2 cup chopped Mushroom of choice
  6. Prepare 15 slices Provolone Cheese
  7. Make ready 1 can Easy Wiz Cheese
  8. Make ready 1 tbsp Hot Giardiniera
  9. Prepare 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  10. Take KETO French Fries
  11. Make ready 1 medium Celery Root (Celeriac)
  12. Make ready 1 tsp. Curry Powder
  13. Take 1 tbsp Garlic Powder
  14. Take Everything But the Bagel Seasoning
Steps to make KETO - Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Pepper and French Fries:
  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Cut peppers in half vertically, clean out insides and place 6 halves (3 red, 3 yellow) in a baking dish. Save the other halves to julienne.
  3. Bake Peppers for 20 min
  4. In a pan heat Olive Oil add Onions and julienned Red & Yellow Peppers and let sear.
  5. Peel and cut Celery Root into fries and place in cold water mixed with Curry Powder and Garlic Powder.
  6. Put fries on a pan, sprinkle Everything But the Bagel seasoning liberally and bake for 40 min, flipping half way
  7. Take peppers out and line inside with Provolone, Roast Beef, Easy Cheese, Mushrooms, Onions & Peppers. Top with another layer of Easy Cheese. Then layer Provolone over the top
  8. Bake for 30 minutes.
  9. Garnish with the Hot Giardiniera… and Enjoy!

So that’s going to wrap it up for this special food keto - philly cheesesteak stuffed pepper and french fries recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I’m sure that you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!