School Lunch Style Egg Drop Soup
School Lunch Style Egg Drop Soup

Hey everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, school lunch style egg drop soup. It is one of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

School Lunch Style Egg Drop Soup is one of the most popular of recent trending meals in the world. It’s easy, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It’s appreciated by millions daily. They’re fine and they look wonderful. School Lunch Style Egg Drop Soup is something which I’ve loved my whole life.

To begin with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can have school lunch style egg drop soup using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make School Lunch Style Egg Drop Soup:
  1. Make ready 1500 ml Water
  2. Get 7 Consomme soup stock cubes
  3. Make ready 1 large can Canned corn
  4. Get 4 Eggs
  5. Get [For katakuriko slurry]
  6. Take 1 tbsp Katakuriko
  7. Get 1 tbsp Water
Instructions to make School Lunch Style Egg Drop Soup:
  1. In a pot, add water and consomme cubes and bring to a simmer.
  2. When the cubes are dissolved, add the entire contents of the can. The canned corn is 425 g (265 g without liquid)
  3. When the soup starts boiling, add the katakuriko slurry, stirring continuously.
  4. Bring back to a boil and add the beaten eggs.
  5. Stir lightly and turn off the heat.

So that’s going to wrap this up for this exceptional food school lunch style egg drop soup recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!