Authentic Indian-Style Beef Curry
Authentic Indian-Style Beef Curry

Hey everyone, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, authentic indian-style beef curry. One of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Authentic Indian-Style Beef Curry is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth. It’s simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It’s appreciated by millions daily. Authentic Indian-Style Beef Curry is something which I have loved my entire life. They are fine and they look wonderful.

To get started with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook authentic indian-style beef curry using 24 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Authentic Indian-Style Beef Curry:
  1. Prepare 600 grams Beef (shank etc.)
  2. Make ready 2 tbsp Curry powder
  3. Make ready 1 Vegetable oil
  4. Get 1 Salt, pepper
  5. Take 2 to 3 medium Onions (finely chopped)
  6. Get 2 tbsp Butter
  7. Take 800 ml Water
  8. Prepare 4 Soup stock cubes
  9. Prepare 4 to 5 Bay leaves
  10. Take 1 large ★Carrot (grated)
  11. Make ready 2 tbsp ★Garlic (grated)
  12. Prepare 2 tsp ★Ginger (grated)
  13. Prepare 100 ml ★Ketchup
  14. Take 4 to 5 tablespoons Plain yogurt
  15. Prepare 2 tbsp Chutney
  16. Take 2 tbsp ☆Turmeric
  17. Make ready 2 tsp ☆Garam masala
  18. Prepare 2 tsp ☆Paprika powder
  19. Get 1 tsp ☆Cayenne pepper
  20. Get 1 tsp ☆Allspice
  21. Make ready 1 tsp ☆Cinnamon
  22. Make ready 1/2 tsp ☆Cumin seeds
  23. Make ready 1/2 tsp ☆Coriander powder
  24. Get 1/2 tsp ☆Black pepper
Instructions to make Authentic Indian-Style Beef Curry:
  1. Rub curry powder, salt and pepper into the beef cubes evenly. Brown in oil in a frying pan.
  2. Transfer the meat to a pot, add water and bay leaves, and simmer while skimming off the scum. When no more scum is rising to the surface, add soup stock cubes and simmer until the meat is tender.
  3. While the meat is cooking, sauté the finely chopped onion in butter patiently, until it has caramelized.
  4. When the onions have caramelized, add all the ☆ ingredients and mix well to form a paste.
  5. When the meat is tender, add the spice paste from Step 4, and simmer briefly while removing any scum. Add the ☆ spices and mix well. Mix in the plain yogurt and chutney then simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes. Done!

So that’s going to wrap it up for this special food authentic indian-style beef curry recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!