Japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed
Japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed

Hello everybody, it’s Brad, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed. It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed is one of the most popular of recent trending meals on earth. It’s easy, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It’s appreciated by millions daily. They’re fine and they look fantastic. Japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed is something which I have loved my whole life.

To get started with this recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can have japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed:
  1. Get 1 smoke pork sauage
  2. Make ready 4 eggs
  3. Make ready 1 small cup full of yutaka wakame seaweed
  4. Take 1 dice carrot
  5. Prepare 1 dice onion
  6. Get 1 large mushroom cut up
  7. Make ready 1 cup peas large
  8. Get 1 tomato puree small table spoon
  9. Make ready 1 ginger past spoon full small
  10. Take 1 miso past all of it
  11. Get 1 smoke paprika powder large spoon full
  12. Get 6 large new potatos cut up in small bite size
  13. Take 1 tin red kidney bean chilli
  14. Prepare all ingredient in to larg pan  with dashi miso  cold water mix up  for 2mins
  15. Get fill the pan with all ingredient just to the near top leave a cap   ok
Instructions to make Japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed:
  1. Boil all ingredient for 20 mins
  2. Turn down to number 3 for 30 mins
  3. Keep your eye on it so it does not boil over ok
  4. Then serve hot
  5. Enjoy my own recipe
  6. Please tell if you like ok send a message on facebook

So that is going to wrap this up with this exceptional food japanese dashi miso soup with smoke sausage  twist of chilli yutaka  wakame sea weed recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!