Spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹
Spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹

Hey everyone, it is me, Dave, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹. One of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹 is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods in the world. It is easy, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. They are nice and they look wonderful. Spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹 is something which I’ve loved my entire life.

To get started with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹 using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹:
  1. Make ready 2 eggs
  2. Get 1/2 cup cooked bean, any kind
  3. Get 2 cup Broccoli or cauliflower
  4. Get 1/2 cup julianned carrots
  5. Make ready 1 shredded organic chicken or turkey hotdog, optional
  6. Prepare 1 cup pan seared tofu, sliced
  7. Prepare 2 tsp starch
  8. Make ready 1/2 white wine
  9. Get 16 oz homemade chicken stock
  10. Make ready Fish sauce
  11. Get Chinese dark rice vinegar
  12. Take 1 Tsp homemade pickled hot chiles
Steps to make Spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹:
  1. Sautée veggies one by one in olive oil and set each aside.
  2. Add back all veggies except green colour broccoli and black beans. Pour chicken stock and water to cover. Bring the soup into a boil and reduce it to simmer. Season the soup with pickled red chiles, fish sauce and vinegar.
  3. Make a starch water by mixing 2 tsp of starch into half cup of cold water. Slowly pouring it into the soup, stiring with the other hand at the same time.
  4. Beat two eggs and drop the the mixture into the soup. Stir very slowly so that the egg could turn into beautiful flowers. Adjust seasoning to reach desirable sour and spicy you want.

So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food spicy and sour veggies with black bean egg drop soup 酸辣蔬菜黑豆羹 recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am confident you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!