Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup
Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup

Hey everyone, it is me, Dave, welcome to my recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, noodle soup a.k.a mee soup. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It’s easy, it is fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions every day. Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup is something that I’ve loved my entire life. They are nice and they look wonderful.

To begin with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can cook noodle soup a.k.a mee soup using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup:
  1. Take 1 portion wet noodle (you can use dried noodle as well, boil and drain it, mix with a bit of oil)
  2. Get Mushroom, sliced (any mushroom will do)
  3. Get Any meat, thin sliced (optional). Marinate with a bit of oil, salt and white pepper ±10 mins
  4. Prepare Any veggies (I use Chinese cabbage), cut normal size
  5. Get 1 inch fresh ginger, thin sliced
  6. Prepare 1/4 onion, thin sliced vertically
  7. Get Pinch salt
  8. Prepare Pinch white pepper
  9. Get 2 cloves garlic, minced
  10. Take Spring onion, chopped
  11. Prepare Parsley or celery, chopped
  12. Get 1 bowl water
Steps to make Noodle Soup a.k.a Mee Soup:
  1. Boil the water, put on onion and ginger until fragrant, add on meat and mushroom until the meat changing color, then add on veggies. When the veggies cooked enough, put on chopped celery and spring onion, salt and white pepper, stir a while. Done
  2. Soak the wet noodle into another boiling water ± 2 mins, then drain. Put into a bowl.
  3. Heat up 2 tablespoon of oil, fry the minced garlic until turn into golden. Pour onto the noodle, mix well.
  4. Serve with the soup, you can mix them or serve in two separate bowl

So that’s going to wrap it up with this special food noodle soup a.k.a mee soup recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am confident that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!