Jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar
Jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar

Hello everybody, it’s Drew, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a special dish, jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar. One of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar is one of the most well liked of current trending foods on earth. It is appreciated by millions daily. It’s easy, it’s quick, it tastes delicious. Jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar is something that I’ve loved my whole life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can cook jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar using 17 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar:
  1. Take Rice
  2. Make ready Heinz jollof mix
  3. Prepare Thyme
  4. Get Curry
  5. Get Chicken flavoured spice
  6. Get cubes Star maggi
  7. Make ready Salt
  8. Get Half a tablespoon of turmeric
  9. Make ready Onions
  10. Make ready Grounded fresh pepper
  11. Take Groundnut oil
  12. Make ready Chicken stock
  13. Get Chicken
  14. Prepare Cabbage
  15. Take Cucumber
  16. Take Carrot
  17. Prepare Heinz salad cream or any salad cream of your choice
Steps to make Jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar:
  1. Cut and wash your chicken, put it in a pot add your thyme, turmeric, onion, pepper, maggi allow to boil.
  2. Put your frying pan on the fire and add your oil, allow to warm up and then add your chicken, fry till golden brown. After remove from fire and place on a plate to dry.
  3. Put your frying pan on the fire and add your oil, allow to warm up and then add your chicken, fry till golden brown. After remove from fire and place on a plate to dry.
  4. Parboil your rice and drain in a sieve, place your empty pot on the fire and add the oil you used in frying your chicken, add your onions and Heinz jollof mix or any choice of tomato you want, stir for a while then add your grounded fresh pepper, spices and then chicken stock add salt and maggi stir and allow to simmer.
  5. After about 5 minutes add the rice and enough water to cook well.
  6. While the rice is getting ready you chop your cabbage, cucumber and grate your carrot and any other choice of vegetable you want to use for your salad add your cream and then sprinkle your sugar then mix.
  7. While the rice is getting ready you chop your cabbage, cucumber and grate your carrot and any other choice of vegetable you want to use for your salad add your cream and then sprinkle your sugar then mix.
  8. While the rice is getting ready you chop your cabbage, cucumber and grate your carrot and any other choice of vegetable you want to use for your salad add your cream and then sprinkle your sugar then mix.
  9. Now your rice should be ready so dish in a plate add your salad by the side add your chicken and serve with any drink of your choice.
  10. Now your rice should be ready so dish in a plate add your salad by the side add your chicken and serve with any drink of your choice.
  11. Now your rice should be ready so dish in a plate add your salad by the side add your chicken and serve with any drink of your choice.

So that is going to wrap this up for this exceptional food jollof rice with fried chicken and salad with heinz salad cream and sprinkled sugar recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am confident you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!