Fried rice
Fried rice

Hey everyone, it is Drew, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, fried rice. It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Fried rice is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It’s simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It’s enjoyed by millions every day. They are nice and they look fantastic. Fried rice is something which I have loved my entire life.

To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook fried rice using 18 ingredients and 19 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Fried rice:
  1. Make ready 2 cup basmati rice
  2. Take 1/2 cup Vegetables oil
  3. Take 1/8 tsp Baking powder
  4. Get 1 spoon Curry
  5. Prepare 5 cube Maggi chicken flavour
  6. Prepare 2 cube Maggi star
  7. Prepare 3 cube Mr chef
  8. Take 5 Carrot
  9. Get 10 Green beans
  10. Make ready 1/2 cup Peas
  11. Make ready 4 cup Cabbage
  12. Make ready Meat 1/3 killo
  13. Make ready 1 Red pepper
  14. Make ready Scotch bonnet (attarugu)2
  15. Make ready 3 Onions
  16. Prepare 3 slice Cucumber
  17. Get 3 Garlic
  18. Make ready Clove 1 tsp(kanufari)
Instructions to make Fried rice:
  1. Ga kayan da nayi amfani da su
  2. Bayan nan na yanka su carrot da cabbage green beans Red pepper Scotch bonnet tare da onion
  3. Sai na wanke carrot dina da green beans da peas na zuba a tukunya na tafasa su da baking powder 1/8 tsp
  4. Sai na wanke shinkafata na aza ruwa a tukunya bayan ya fara tausa sai na zuba shinkafar
  5. Na kawo curry spoon 1 na zuba na motsa na rufe na barta ta dahu
  6. Bayan 15min na duba naga tayi baa so ta dafe sai na tace
  7. Sai na daura nama na na dafa shi da garlic da kanufari saida na bari ya fara tsanewa na sauke na yanka kana kana
  8. Sai na aza mai a tukunya
  9. Sanan na zuba albasa na dan soyata kadan
  10. Na kawo red pepper dina da Scotch bonnet na zuba na juya
  11. Zuwa minti daya sai na zuba carrot dina da green beans and peas na juya
  12. Na zuba maggi na wanda na daka
  13. Sanan na kawo nama na zuba
  14. Na motsa su na d'an barsu zuwa minti biyu da suka fara soyuwa sai na zuba cabbage da shinkafata
  15. Na motsa sosai koh ina ya hade na rufe
  16. Na duba naga tayi bayan minti biyar
  17. My fried rice is done zaki iya ci da kowane salad nide na saka cucumber nd cabbage
  18. Note! Idan baki da basmati rice zaki iya yi da normal rice din ki nd enjoy

So that is going to wrap it up for this special food fried rice recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I’m sure that you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!