Sausage with Tomatoes & Kale in Cheddar Cheese Sauce
Sausage with Tomatoes & Kale in Cheddar Cheese Sauce

Hello everybody, I hope you’re having an incredible day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, sausage with tomatoes & kale in cheddar cheese sauce. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Supercook clearly lists the ingredients each recipe uses, so you can find the perfect recipe quickly! Making tomato sauce isn't hard, but it's definitely labor-intensive. Even the relatively small amount that we're making here — just enough for a few special mid-winter. Recipe for Sausage-stuffed Tomatoes (Tomates Farçies), a popular dish in France.

Sausage with Tomatoes & Kale in Cheddar Cheese Sauce is one of the most favored of current trending foods on earth. It’s appreciated by millions daily. It is easy, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. Sausage with Tomatoes & Kale in Cheddar Cheese Sauce is something which I’ve loved my entire life. They are nice and they look fantastic.

To get started with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can cook sausage with tomatoes & kale in cheddar cheese sauce using 7 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Sausage with Tomatoes & Kale in Cheddar Cheese Sauce:
  1. Take Ingredients
  2. Get 2 lb Chicken, turkey or pork sausage (your choice)
  3. Get 1 can Cheddar Cheese Soup
  4. Take 1 can Petite diced tomatoes (w/onion, garlic & peppers is best)
  5. Take 1 bunch Kale
  6. Prepare 2 tbsp Olive oil
  7. Take 1 clove Chopped garlic

Kale and Italian sausage are one of those heavenly combinations, and together with beans, onions, tomatoes, and stock? Sweet Italian sausage is simmered with plum tomatoes, garlic, onion and heavy cream to create a thick, rich sauce that's served with All Reviews for Bow Ties with Sausage, Tomatoes and Cream. Stir in the tomato purée and tomatoes, and season to taste. Add sausage and crushed red pepper.

Steps to make Sausage with Tomatoes & Kale in Cheddar Cheese Sauce:
  1. Slice sausage links into bite - size pieces
  2. Add 1 rasp olive oil to skillet on medium-high heat
  3. Cook sausage in skillet until no longer pink in middle
  4. Remove cooked sausage from skillet & drain, to rid of excess oil
  5. Wipe out skillet, add 1 tbsp olive oil
  6. Chop kale bundle into bite-size pieces
  7. Saute kale in pan on medium-high heat, then turn heat to low
  8. Saute kale in pan on medium-high heat with the garlic, then turn heat to low
  9. Add can of cheddar cheese soup to kale & tomatoes (if need to add milk to soup, mix soup & milk in a separate bowl & add to vegetables in skillet)
  10. Add cooked sausage to vegetables in skillet
  11. Serve with cooked rice or pasta

Stir in the tomato purée and tomatoes, and season to taste. Add sausage and crushed red pepper. Use hot or sweet sausage, but I like hot sausage for this soup. This recipe created by Kalyn and Jake, with inspiration from Italian Sausage, Zucchini, and. Spicy Italian sausage, tomatoes, garlic, cream, lots of parmesan cheese, and a touch of fresh basil make this recipe a winner.

So that is going to wrap it up with this special food sausage with tomatoes & kale in cheddar cheese sauce recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m confident that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!