Bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤
Bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤

Hello everybody, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

This savoury, sour soup tastes great with the tender duck meat. The salty flavours from the preserved mustard greens are imparted to the duck during the cooking process. 《番茄酸菜豆腐汤 Tomato Pickled Cabbage Tofu Soup》咸酸开胃,简单、营养、能宽中益气、消腹胀、促进食欲的家常素汤! 表弟好煮意 - 咸菜鸭汤, 南乳炸花腩, 虾米辣龙须菜, Salted Vege Duck Soup, Nam Yu Pork Belly, Shrimp Sambal Chayote Greens. 表弟好煮意 - 南乳焖排骨, 滑蛋虾仁, 苦瓜滑肉豆腐汤, Braised Pork Ribs , Fried Shrimp with Egg, Bitter Melon Tofu Soup. Recipe for a bok choy (bok choi) fish head tofu soup. And even though the best part of an entire fish to me is the cheek meat, that was not enough to convince me that a fish head soup would be my thing.

Bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤 is one of the most popular of current trending foods on earth. It’s easy, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It’s appreciated by millions daily. Bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤 is something which I’ve loved my whole life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can cook bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤 using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤:
  1. Take 5 cups duck broth (diluted from 2 cups)
  2. Prepare 2 organic bok choy
  3. Make ready half pack silk tofu
  4. Get 1 cup dried vermicelli (mung bean)
  5. Prepare 6 dried shrimps
  6. Make ready 1 duck breast (optional)
  7. Make ready 1 Tsp pickled chilli (optional)

This variation includes baby bok choy, scallions, and tofu, but you can experiment and use whatever greens you have on hand. Serve with rice on the Dashi is the traditional stock used in miso soup; it is prepared using tuna flakes, kombu, and water, and you can find it in liquid and dried forms at Asian. It's said that Vegetable and Tofu Soup was a dish Emperor Qianlong would eat during his travel to south of the Yangtze River every time. They were impressed by a visit to a local family with cooking class organized by us, and had a really happy time there together with the hostess.

Steps to make Bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤:
  1. Rehydrate mung bean vermicelli in warm water. Separate each leaf from the middle stem and wash thoroughly with running water.
  2. Cut book choy into half inch length and set aside. Open a pack of silk tofu, cut out half pack. Hold your hand on one half of pack, pad upside down on the chopping board to release half tofu from the plastic package. Slice tofu into one inch cubes.
  3. Heat up duck broth in a medium soup pot. Gently transfer silk tofu into the pot. Add dried shrimps and sliced mushroom. Cook on high heat. once bring it to a boil, continue for 5 minutes
  4. Add vermicelli and stem part of bok choy and cook for another 3 minutes
  5. Finally add leafy part of bok choy and cook for about 30sec. Season the soup with fish sauce or sea salt
  6. Drizzle with a few drops of toasted sesame oil. For spicy kick, I prefer to add a table spoon of homemade pickled red chilli. This is no meat version.
  7. Roasted duck can be added in the last five minutes before serving for someone really want a little bit meat.

It's said that Vegetable and Tofu Soup was a dish Emperor Qianlong would eat during his travel to south of the Yangtze River every time. They were impressed by a visit to a local family with cooking class organized by us, and had a really happy time there together with the hostess. Bok choy, also known as pak choy or pok choi, is a type of Chinese cabbage , that has smooth, wide, flat leaf blades at one end with the other end forming a cluster similar to that of celery. This means that baby bok choy is much sweeter than and is often served directly in soup or in salads. Mostly vegetarian dishes with just a touch of meaty accent.

So that is going to wrap this up with this special food bok choy and silk tofu soup (with duck meat) 青菜豆腐鸭肉汤 recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!