Lumpia Basah Bandung
Lumpia Basah Bandung

Hello everybody, hope you are having an incredible day today. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, lumpia basah bandung. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Lumpia Basah Bandung is one of the most popular of current trending foods on earth. It’s easy, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. It is enjoyed by millions daily. Lumpia Basah Bandung is something that I’ve loved my entire life. They are fine and they look wonderful.

Resep Lumpia Basah, Jajanan Bandung yang Wajib Kamu Coba. Simpan ke bagian favorit Tersimpan di bagian favorit. Yuk, sajikan lumpia basah sebagai menu camilan sore akhir pekan ini! Sedangkan lumpia basah merupakan makanan yang terkenal di kota Bandung.

To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook lumpia basah bandung using 24 ingredients and 17 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Lumpia Basah Bandung:
  1. Take Wrapper
  2. Prepare 250 g all-purpose flour
  3. Prepare 1/2 tsp salt
  4. Prepare 300 ml water approximately
  5. Make ready Glue
  6. Prepare 120 g gula melaka (gula merah)
  7. Get 1/2 tsp salt
  8. Get 400 g or 2 large jicama (bengkuang)
  9. Take 2 1/2 tbsp cornstarch dissolved in 200 ml water
  10. Get 3 l water
  11. Take Seasoning
  12. Get 5 cloves garlic
  13. Make ready 6 cloves shallot
  14. Prepare 2 candlenut (kemiri)
  15. Make ready 4 cayenne pepper (cabai rawit)
  16. Make ready 2 chili (cabai merah)
  17. Get 1 tbsp instant stock dissolved in 200 ml water
  18. Prepare 1 tbsp salt
  19. Take 1 tbsp ground pepper
  20. Take Filling
  21. Prepare 115 g or half of large onion
  22. Prepare 150 g bean sprout
  23. Prepare 5 large eggs
  24. Take 2 tbsp vegetable oil

Ya, lumpia basah khas Bandung ini bakal terasa berbeda dan unik banget. Kalau lumpia khas Semarang lipatannya rapi, lumpia satu ini lebih apa adanya. Lumpia basah (foto: SC IG lumpia.basah.delano). - Salah satu jajanan yang wajib diburu saat ke Bandung, Jawa Barat adalah lumpia basah.

Steps to make Lumpia Basah Bandung:
  1. I made my own wrapper because the store is still closed due to Eid al-Fitr, but feel free to use store-bought spring roll wrapper for it will save 2 hours of your time. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl with a clean hand, add the water little by little and mix gently until it forms stringy dough like the 2nd picture. Add about 3 tbsp water more, mix well.
  2. Cover the bowl with a table cloth and let the dough rest for 2 hours.
  3. Use a non stick pan to fry. Make sure to set the stove on very low heat. Heat the pan for 5 seconds only, lift the pan from heat, smear a thin layer of dough on the heated pan with your hand until it forms a nice circle. Put it back on the stove, let it cook for 1-2 minutes. Be careful, this step needs some practice.
  4. If you see some holes, use your fingertip to cover the holes with dough.
  5. Remove from the pan, cover with table cloth to avoid over drying, set aside.
  6. Peel and cut the jicamas (bengkuang)
  7. Boil the gula melaka (gula merah) with water until it dissolves completely
  8. Add the jicama and let it cook for 1.5 hours on low to medium heat until it’s tender
  9. Strain and remove the cooked jicama from the pan. Leave the remaining sugar mixture heated
  10. Dissolve the cornstarch in 200 ml water and add to the sugar mixture. Heat it until it has glue-like consistency
  11. Prepare the seasoning paste by blending the garlics, shallots, candlenuts, cayenne peppers, and chilis with food processor.
  12. Heat the oil, add the onion. Cook on medium heat until it starts to smell.
  13. Add the seasoning paste, cook for 1-2 minutes, add the eggs and mix everything to become scrambled eggs
  14. Add the bean sprouts, the cooked jicama, the stock, salt, and pepper. Mix well, cook for 3-5 minutes with closed pan. Don’t forget to taste.
  15. For assembling, put one layer of the wrapper on a large plate, smear 1 tbsp of the glue evenly on top of it
  16. Add 6 tbsp of the filling and wrap the lumpia nicely
  17. There you have it!

Lumpia basah (foto: SC IG lumpia.basah.delano). - Salah satu jajanan yang wajib diburu saat ke Bandung, Jawa Barat adalah lumpia basah. Jangan bayangkan mirip dengan lumpia basah khas Semarang ya, karena lumpia khas kota kembang ini sungguh unik. Jika lumpia lain tersaji dalam bentuk lipatan rapi, lumpia ini tersaji 'apa adanya'. Saat berkeliling kota Bandung tentunya bukan hal sulit untuk mendapatkan makanan lumpia basah ini karena banyak sekali dijajakan di pinggiran jalan ramai.

So that is going to wrap this up with this special food lumpia basah bandung recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I’m confident that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!