A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy!  Motsu Nabe (offal hotpot)
A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy! Motsu Nabe (offal hotpot)

Hey everyone, hope you’re having an incredible day today. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, a famous hakata speciality - the soup is yummy! motsu nabe (offal hotpot). One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I’m gonna make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy! Motsu Nabe (offal hotpot) is one of the most popular of current trending foods in the world. It is appreciated by millions every day. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy! Motsu Nabe (offal hotpot) is something that I have loved my entire life. They’re nice and they look fantastic.

A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy! Beef giblets•Cabbage•bunches Chinese chives•or more Garlic• Usukuchi soy sauce•Mirin•Chicken stock powder•Water. We carefully prepare our freshly-delivered ingredients. Each region of Japan has its own nabe hotpot cooking style.

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can cook a famous hakata speciality - the soup is yummy! motsu nabe (offal hotpot) using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy! Motsu Nabe (offal hotpot):
  1. Get 300 grams Pig offal (motsu), raw or boiled
  2. Prepare 600 ml ●Water
  3. Get 1 tsp ●Dashi stock granules
  4. Take 1 tsp ●Chicken soup stock granules
  5. Get 3 tbsp ●Soy sauce
  6. Make ready 2 tbsp ●Sake
  7. Take 4 tbsp ●Mirin
  8. Get 1 Red chili pepper
  9. Prepare 4 clove - or as much (to taste) Garlic
  10. Make ready 1/4 a head Cabbage
  11. Make ready 1 bunch Chinese chives
  12. Take 1/2 bag Bean sprouts
  13. Make ready 1 as much (to taste) Tofu
  14. Make ready 1 as much (to taste) Maitake mushrooms (or other mushrooms)
  15. Get 1 Cooked rice, egg, green onions

It is a popular stew made with guts portions of various types of meat, prepared in a conventional kitchen cooking pot or a special Japanese nabe pot. Nabe, which literally means "hot pot" in Japanese, is a classic winter food in Japan. It's typically a stew where ingredients like meat, fish, and vegetables boiled together, but there are many different versions of this delicacy. Motsunabe is a variety of nabemono, the versatile and hearty Japanese one-pot dishes. (Motsu Nabe, もつ鍋, Motsu-Nabe, Hakata Motsunabe).

Steps to make A Famous Hakata Speciality - The Soup is Yummy! Motsu Nabe (offal hotpot):
  1. Process the raw offal: Wash the offal well especially on the insides under running water. Blanch in boiling water briefly. When a lot of scum comes off, drain into a colander or sieve, and wash off any impurities under running water.
  2. Slice the garlic, and the red chili pepper. Cut up the cabbage and chives into big pieces. Shred up the mushrooms into large clumps. Put the ● ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Add the garlic and chili pepper.
  3. Line the bottom of the pot with several pieces of cabbage, and put the offal on top. Layer the rest of the cabbage, mushrooms, tofu, bean sprouts and chives on top in that order.
  4. When the pot comes to a boil, lower the heat so that it doesn't boil over. Simmer until the cabbage is wilted without stirring. Stir everything once and it's done.
  5. At the end when just some broth is left, add the rice and swirl in the beaten egg and make a porridge as the "shime" (the last part of the hotpot) - it's delicious! Sprinkle in some chopped green onion to taste and enjoy.
  6. Appuru Akko tried this and added ramen noodles at the end. Next time I'm going to try that as the "shime"!! Miemie tried udon noodles!

It's typically a stew where ingredients like meat, fish, and vegetables boiled together, but there are many different versions of this delicacy. Motsunabe is a variety of nabemono, the versatile and hearty Japanese one-pot dishes. (Motsu Nabe, もつ鍋, Motsu-Nabe, Hakata Motsunabe). Motsunabe is a variety of It consists of various pork, chicken, or beef offal cooked in the flavorful soy sauce or. Motsunabe is Hakata's famous local cuisine. Motsu (referring to offals of cows and pigs) is considered great to maintain one's beauty due A few local restaurants in Fukuoka that are close to sightseeing spots and easy for tourists to access are Motsuko (Hakata area).

So that is going to wrap it up for this special food a famous hakata speciality - the soup is yummy! motsu nabe (offal hotpot) recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I’m confident that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!