Fried rice with simple coleslaw
Fried rice with simple coleslaw

Hello everybody, it is me again, Dan, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, fried rice with simple coleslaw. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Fried rice with simple coleslaw is one of the most popular of current trending foods in the world. It’s appreciated by millions every day. It’s easy, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. They are nice and they look wonderful. Fried rice with simple coleslaw is something which I’ve loved my entire life.

Put down the takeout menu and learn how to make the best fried rice with our simple recipe and step-by-step photos. Growing up, having fried rice for dinner was synonymous with "fridge clean-out day," meaning that any leftover vegetables and proteins from the. Recipe by Sarah in New York. In a wok or frying pan heat oil and butter until very hot.

To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can cook fried rice with simple coleslaw using 23 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Fried rice with simple coleslaw:
  1. Prepare 3 cups rice
  2. Get Peas
  3. Make ready Carrot,cubed
  4. Make ready Vegetable oil
  5. Get Teaspoon Curry powder
  6. Make ready Teaspoon turmeric powder
  7. Take Teaspoon salt
  8. Take cubes Seasoning
  9. Get 5 cloves
  10. Get Some few drops of cumin seeds
  11. Take Ginger and garlic pastes
  12. Make ready 1 onion, sliced
  13. Get 1 small can,sweet corn
  14. Get Green beans,diced
  15. Prepare Green and red bell peppers,diced
  16. Take Grated scotch bonnet
  17. Make ready For the coleslaw
  18. Take Half cabbage
  19. Make ready 1 big cucumber
  20. Take 2 medium carrots
  21. Make ready Mayonnaise
  22. Take Sugar
  23. Prepare Yellow mustard

Since then it has been a featured side dish at almost every picnic or. Vinegar Coleslaw is an excellent no mayo coleslaw recipe for those who love coleslaw but don't love mayonnaise. This vinegar based coleslaw is tangy, not overly sweet and provides the perfect crunch with its combination of green cabbage, onion and carrots. This fried rice recipe is a ridiculously easy and incredibly delicious!

Instructions to make Fried rice with simple coleslaw:
  1. Start by perboiling the rice,wash it well,drain and cook till tender with the salt.make sure not to over cook it.
  2. In a large pot or saucepan heat the vegetable oil,add the sliced onion,cloves, cumin,ginger and garlic pastes and the grated scotch bonnet.stir fry for 3mins.add the carrot,peas and green beans and stir fry for 7-10mins.add the bells peppers and sweet corn,stir.
  3. Add the curry, turmeric powder, seasoning cubes and stir.reduce the heat and add the cooked rice little by little, stirring to this until the rice is exhausted.stir fry for 3-5mins and it's done.
  4. For the coleslaw thinly sliced the cabbage,grate the carrot and cut the cucumber into smaller sizes.combine the ingredients in a bowl.add about 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise,half teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of yellow mustard.use a spoon to mix well and serve.

This vinegar based coleslaw is tangy, not overly sweet and provides the perfect crunch with its combination of green cabbage, onion and carrots. This fried rice recipe is a ridiculously easy and incredibly delicious! What I love most is that it can be ready in well under twenty minutes, which is half. I first had kimchi fried rice when we were in Seoul a few years ago. The ingredients for kimchi fried rice are really simple and MY ALL TIME FAVORITE THING is that, at any given time, I usually have everything I need to make this.

So that is going to wrap this up with this exceptional food fried rice with simple coleslaw recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!