Meat Curry Buns
Meat Curry Buns

Hello everybody, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, meat curry buns. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

Meat Curry Buns is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals in the world. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It is enjoyed by millions every day. They are fine and they look fantastic. Meat Curry Buns is something which I have loved my whole life.

Today's recipe is Curry bun on FRYING PAN Please try this recipe and let me know in the comment section below. Don't Forget to Subscribe to my channel Enjoy. Imagine biting into a soft, fluffy milk bun with a warm spicy curry potato filling. No yeast, no knead but yet the buns are soft and fluffy.

To begin with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can have meat curry buns using 28 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Meat Curry Buns:
  1. Make ready A. Tanzhong/water roux/slurry
  2. Take 60 g bread flour/plain flour
  3. Prepare 300 g water
  4. Prepare B. Meat Curry Filling
  5. Take 2 C diced potato
  6. Get 2 C cooked, minced meat
  7. Prepare 4 tbsp cooking oil
  8. Prepare 1/2 C minced brown onion
  9. Take 1/2 tsp hot chilli flakes
  10. Get 1 tbsp shredded curry leaves
  11. Make ready 1 tsp KEEN curry powder
  12. Make ready 2 tbsp BABA's meat curry powder
  13. Get 1/2 C water
  14. Get 2 tsp chicken seasoning powder
  15. Make ready (Or salt to taste)
  16. Take C. The dough (bun)
  17. Prepare 150 g water
  18. Get 1 (60 g) egg - lightly beaten
  19. Take 2 tbsp sugar
  20. Get 2 tbsp butter/oil
  21. Make ready 1 tsp salt
  22. Get 540 g bread flour
  23. Get 3 tbsp milk powder
  24. Take 1 tsp bread improver
  25. Take 2 1/4 tsp INSTANT dried yeast
  26. Take D. Glazing
  27. Prepare 1 egg - beaten (apply before baking)
  28. Get 2 tbsp butter (apply after baking)

These curried beef buns are super versatile! We enjoy eating these Sri Lankan mas paan any time of If you love curries, and meat stuffed bread, or want to try a slice of Sri Lankan cuisine, these Sri. These buns resemble steamed pork buns, but for the steamed curry buns you can use any type of minced meat. In this recipe, we shall use pork mince, and you can also make the recipe vegetarian.

Steps to make Meat Curry Buns:
  1. Note: Start by preparing tanzhong/water roux. This can be made few hours earlier or a day before baking. Next, prepare/cook the filling. Then, Measure out all ingredients before getting started.
  2. A. Tangzhong - Mix flour and water in a small pot and whisk until there is no lump. Heat this mixture over low heat, keep stirring until it turns into a thick paste. Tangzhong is ready when the spoon used to stir leaves a visible trail all the way to the bottom of the pan. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely. Cover with plastic wrap to keep it from drying before adding to the bread dough. This tanzhong can be prepared the night before or an hour before baking.
  3. B. Meat Curry Filling - half cook diced potato. Drain water. In a pot, cook minced meat in water, let it boil and then, drain the water. Next, heat oil over medium heat, add minced brown onion, shredded curry leaves, KEEN curry powder, BABA's meat/chicken curry powder & hot chilli flakes. Stir until aromatic then add cubed potato & 1/2 cup of water. Simmer for 2 minutes. Stir in minced meat & season. Taste & adjust. Let this filling simmer over low heat until potato is tender.
  4. C. The Dough - Proof active dried yeast in 150g of tepid water for 5-10mins. In a mixing bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook attached, add A (tanzhong), yeast mixture and the rest of the ingredients in C & mix at low speed for about 5mins. Stop the mixer, scrap the dough from the side of the bowl. Continue mixing (increased speed) & kneading for 10-15mins until dough is stretchable. This dough is a bit wet & sticky. Dont be tempted to add extra flour. Proceed to step 6.
  5. Note: If using a bread maker, place A (Tangzhong) in a bread pan followed by the rest of the ingredients in C. If using INSTANT DRIED YEAST, no proofing is required. INSTANT DRIED YEAST is added last to the bread pan. Press ‘dough’ function. Wait until it beeps and stops then Proceed to step 7.
  6. Grease a big bowl with oil. Transfer the dough into this bowl. Cover with cling film and let it rise for 1 hour or more or until it doubles in size.
  7. Once the first proofing is done, transfer dough to a generously floured work top. Punch the air out of the dough. Divide & weigh dough into smaller portions (50g each). Roll each portion lightly into balls (avoid pressing when rolling). Do the same with the rest.
  8. Once all done, take each ball, flatten & place a tsp full of filling then seal or wrap it neatly. Then roll the dough again in a circular motion with your palm against the table until it forms a round ball. Place the dough balls on a baking sheet/tray lined with parchment paper. Cover & let rise for another 40-50mins. Preheat oven to 160-170 C.
  9. Right before baking, gently brush the rolls with thin layer of beaten egg. Bake for 15 mins or until the rolls are lightly golden. Apply a thin layer of melted butter right after the buns are out from the oven. Serve warm. Extra buns can be kept for few days. Microwave for 30sec & serve warm.

These buns resemble steamed pork buns, but for the steamed curry buns you can use any type of minced meat. In this recipe, we shall use pork mince, and you can also make the recipe vegetarian. Deciding to live a vegan lifestyle doesn't mean you. These Kare Pan, or Curry Buns are filled with a Japanese curry beef stew. For these buns, I made a curry dish with steak, but you can definitely use any other meat, such as lamb, pork, or chicken.

So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food meat curry buns recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!