Eba with vegetable ogbono soup
Eba with vegetable ogbono soup

Hello everybody, I hope you’re having an incredible day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, eba with vegetable ogbono soup. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

Eba with vegetable ogbono soup is one of the most favored of current trending foods in the world. It is appreciated by millions daily. It is simple, it’s fast, it tastes yummy. Eba with vegetable ogbono soup is something that I’ve loved my entire life. They are nice and they look fantastic.

A flash back to the Christmas Season when food enthusiast/TV Producer, Sophia Ejiofor prepared Eba (Cassava Flakes) with Egusi (Melon) and Ogbono soup. Ogbono and crayfish were ground together, so, at this point, I poured them into the boiling pot and covered halfway, so that the it doesn't boil and spill. Enough to give me very soft and fluffy eba. After a while, I noticed that quantity of water was too small for the size of soup I was preparing, so, I added.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can have eba with vegetable ogbono soup using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Eba with vegetable ogbono soup:
  1. Make ready Garri
  2. Prepare Boiled water
  3. Get ogbono
  4. Take Maggi
  5. Prepare Salt
  6. Make ready Sliced ugu
  7. Take Grated pepper without onion
  8. Get Palm oil
  9. Get Diced pomo
  10. Take Stock fish
  11. Get Diced meat
  12. Get Grated crayfish
  13. Prepare Fried meat or chicken
  14. Make ready Black pepper
  15. Take leaf Scent

Ogbono Soup Recipe - Sisi Jemimah. This is a fool proof method of preparing Ogbono soup, my mum's method actually and Nigerian Okra Soup Okra (Okro) Soup is a farm fresh soup recipe prepared with green vegetables. Ogbono is a traditional Nigerian soup made with a combination of ogbono seeds, red palm oil, onions, stock, seasoning The ingredients are simmered in an uncovered pot until fully tender, and the soup is then traditionally served hot with fufu, because the soup's slimy.

Instructions to make Eba with vegetable ogbono soup:
  1. EBA:add garri into your boiled water turn It by using turning stick,kip turning till incorporate..
  2. Vegetable ogbono soup:soak OGBONO with lil water till thick,it must not b watery or droping at all
  3. Place a pot of lil palm oil on stove,allow it heat den add little water to it
  4. Then u add the soaked the OGBONO to it,keep on stirring as u are adding ogbono
  5. Keep on stirring, the thickness will determine the amount of water u use so gradually add WAter till u get d thickness of ur choice
  6. Add in pepper,black pepper, ugu nd scent leaf,kip on stirring it,
  7. Add all your protein to it,stir together,
  8. Add Maggi and salt,stir together,till done,if the palm oil isn't enough u can add more
  9. Note:do not over cook it(it shouldn't stay long on heat)
  10. Your EBA and OGBONO is ready

Okra (Okro) Soup is a farm fresh soup recipe prepared with green vegetables. Ogbono is a traditional Nigerian soup made with a combination of ogbono seeds, red palm oil, onions, stock, seasoning The ingredients are simmered in an uncovered pot until fully tender, and the soup is then traditionally served hot with fufu, because the soup's slimy. Ogbono soup (draw soup) is one of the most popular soups in Nigeria. Here, you will learn how to make this delicious soup and why it falls into the list of Nigerian popular soups. You will also find a video on making Nigerian Ogbono (ogbolo) soup at the bottom of this page.

So that’s going to wrap it up with this special food eba with vegetable ogbono soup recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m sure you can make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!