Delicious Motsu Nabe (Pig Offal Hotpot) - A Speciality of Hakata
Delicious Motsu Nabe (Pig Offal Hotpot) - A Speciality of Hakata

Hello everybody, it is Jim, welcome to my recipe site. Today, we’re going to make a special dish, delicious motsu nabe (pig offal hotpot) - a speciality of hakata. It is one of my favorites. For mine, I’m gonna make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Delicious Motsu Nabe (Pig Offal Hotpot) - A Speciality of Hakata is one of the most popular of recent trending foods in the world. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. It’s easy, it is quick, it tastes yummy. They’re nice and they look fantastic. Delicious Motsu Nabe (Pig Offal Hotpot) - A Speciality of Hakata is something which I’ve loved my entire life.

Motsunabe is Hakata's famous local cuisine. Motsu (referring to offals of cows and pigs) is considered great to maintain one's beauty due to its juicy, fatty texture and its richness in collagen and vitamins. Do not miss the chance to taste this Japanese winter specialty! The Japanese word "motsu" basically refers to offal or internal organs of cows and pigs.

To begin with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook delicious motsu nabe (pig offal hotpot) - a speciality of hakata using 16 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Delicious Motsu Nabe (Pig Offal Hotpot) - A Speciality of Hakata:
  1. Get 300 to 400 grams Pig offal (motsu)
  2. Take 1/2 Cabbage
  3. Get 1 bunch Chinese chives
  4. Take 200 grams Konnyaku
  5. Get 1/2 block Silken tofu
  6. Get 1 Burdock root
  7. Make ready 500 ml Chicken soup stock granules (or chicken soup stock)
  8. Prepare 300 ml Dashi stock
  9. Make ready 3 large cloves Garlic
  10. Prepare 50 ml *Soy sauce
  11. Make ready 2 tbsp *Mirin
  12. Make ready 2 tbsp plus *Ground sesame seeds
  13. Get 50 grams *Miso (white or blended)
  14. Prepare 1 Red chili pepper
  15. Prepare 1 as much (to taste) Champon noodles
  16. Prepare 1 as much (to taste) Plain cooked rice

Motsunabe (もつ鍋) is a type of nabemono in Japanese cuisine, which is made from beef or pork tripe or other offal. It is a popular stew made with guts portions of various types of meat, prepared in a conventional kitchen cooking pot or a special Japanese nabe pot. Motsunabe is a variety of nabemono, the versatile and hearty Japanese one-pot dishes. It consists of various pork, chicken, or beef offal cooked in the flavorful soy sauce or miso broth alongside cabbage, garlic chives, and occasionally other ingredients.

Instructions to make Delicious Motsu Nabe (Pig Offal Hotpot) - A Speciality of Hakata:
  1. If you have the time and inclination, please make chicken carcass soupfrom scratch. It's really good. Plus, chicken carcasses are cheap. But if it's a bother, soup stock granules are fine of course! - -
  2. Rip up the cabbage with your hands. Cut the tofu into easy to eat pieces. Finely julienne the burdock root. Cut the Chinese chives into 1/4 length pieces. Slice the garlic cloves.
  3. Slice the konnyaku into 4 to 5 mm thick slices, and blanch in boiling water. In the next step you'll decide whether to make the hotpot soy sauce or miso flavored.
  4. Mix the * ingredients in a separate bowl. If you are making a miso base, add the miso first then add soy sauce while tasting. If youre making a soy sauce base, omit the miso and add soy sauce and about 1/2 teaspoon of salt while tasting.
  5. Put the pig offal in a pot of boiling water, bring back to the boil and then train into a colander. Rinse quickly under running water to get rid of any scum. If you rinse it too much you'll also wash away the umami-rich fat, so just rinse lightly.
  6. Put the sliced garlic and offal in the dashi stock and chicken soup, and simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the combined sauce from Step 3 little by little. Make it a bit on the salty rich side.
  7. When the motsu (offal) soup is done, put in all the other ingredients, simmer until done and that's it. Put the ingredient in the pot in this order: burdock root and offal at the bottom → konnyaku → tofu and cabbage → chives.
  8. Add some champon noodles (thick ramen style noodles) at the end, or add some cooked rice and make a porridge. (Add egg and leek for this, not listed in the ingredients.) If there's a lot of soup left you can add the champon noodles first, and then some rice afterwards, to enjoy both.
  9. The offal I used looked like this.

Motsunabe is a variety of nabemono, the versatile and hearty Japanese one-pot dishes. It consists of various pork, chicken, or beef offal cooked in the flavorful soy sauce or miso broth alongside cabbage, garlic chives, and occasionally other ingredients. Japanese$$ Reserve a table at Hakata meibutsu Motsunabe Shoraku Hakata Station, Hakata on Motsunabe (hot pot with intestines) is, beside Ramen, a speciality of Fukuoka, and in A lot of vegetables and the soup is very delicious. Hot pots may be one of popular dishes on the world. (I think Fondue is the most similar food in Europe to Asian hot pots.) Motsunabe was originally a local dish in Fukuoka [ 福岡 ], which is the biggest city in Kyusyu island. Fukuoka (aka Hakata) deserves several days in your Japan itinerary for the food alone.

So that’s going to wrap this up for this special food delicious motsu nabe (pig offal hotpot) - a speciality of hakata recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!