Veg Puff Pastry
Veg Puff Pastry

Hello everybody, it is Drew, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a special dish, veg puff pastry. It is one of my favorites. This time, I’m gonna make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Veg Puff Pastry is one of the most popular of recent trending meals in the world. It’s enjoyed by millions every day. It’s simple, it’s quick, it tastes delicious. They’re nice and they look wonderful. Veg Puff Pastry is something which I have loved my entire life.

To begin with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can cook veg puff pastry using 30 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Veg Puff Pastry:
  1. Get For the Pastry:
  2. Make ready 1/2 cup Wheat Flour
  3. Make ready 1/2 cup All-purpose Flour
  4. Take as needed Salt
  5. Make ready 4 tsp Melted Ghee
  6. Prepare 1/4 cup Water
  7. Prepare 1/2 tsp Carom Seeds (Optional)
  8. Make ready For the Filling (Stuffing):
  9. Take 2-3 tsp Oil
  10. Take 1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds (Optional)
  11. Take 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds
  12. Get 3-4 Cloves Garlic (Finely Chopped)
  13. Get 2-3 Green Chillies (Chopped)
  14. Make ready 1 Sprig Curry Leaves (Chopped)
  15. Get 1 Onion (Chopped)
  16. Prepare 1 cup Green Peas
  17. Make ready 3-4 tsp Water
  18. Get 2-3 Potatoes (Boiled)
  19. Get 1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder
  20. Prepare 1/4 tsp Black Pepper Powder
  21. Get 1/4 tsp Cumin Powder
  22. Prepare 1 tsp Coriander Powder
  23. Prepare 1/4 tsp Garam Masala Powder
  24. Prepare 1/2 tsp Dry Mango Powder
  25. Make ready 1/2 tsp Chaat Masala
  26. Make ready as per taste Salt
  27. Get 1-2 tbsp Coriander Leaves (Chopped)
  28. Prepare For Cornflour Paste:
  29. Get 4 tsp Cornflour
  30. Get 6 tsp Melted Ghee
Instructions to make Veg Puff Pastry:
  1. For the Pastry: In a large bowl, add wheat flour, all-purpose flour, salt and warm melted ghee. (You can add carom seeds if you want) Mix it well. Add water little at a time and knead to a semi soft dough. Cover and set aside to rest.
  2. For the Filling/Stuffing: Heat oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds and allow it to sizzle for few seconds. Add garlic, green chillies and curry leaves and saute for a minute. Add onions and saute. Add green peas and little water and cover and cook till peas are done. Add the masala powders and salt as mentioned above under Fillings and saute for a minute. Add the boiled and lightly mashed potatoes and saute for a minute. Garnish with coriander leaves. Stuffing should be dry. Set aside to cool.
  3. Cornflour Paste: In a small bowl, add cornflour and melted ghee and mix well. The consistency should be flowing. If not, you can add more melted ghee. Set aside.
  4. Make 7 parts of the dough. Roll out each part into thin roti and set aside.
  5. Firstly, sprinkle some wheat flour/maida on the rolling stone. Place 1 roti over it. Apply cornflour-ghee paste on the roti. Sprinkle flour over it. Place the second roti over it.
  6. Again apply cornflour-ghee paste and sprinkle flour over the second roti. Continue the process for all the remaining seven rotis. Roll it tightly into a long log.
  7. Cut it back and forth so that the layers do not get disturbed. The layers should be seen. If you cut directly, the layers will get smashed. The layers should be visible.
  8. Take one part and press on layer side. Roll thinly into puri shape. Place the Filling/stuffing. Apply slight water on the sides. Cover on top and seal the edges. Press with a fork to give it a design. Instead of water, I used up the balance cornflour-ghee paste to seal the edges. So while deep frying it opened up a bit.
  9. Prepare all and allow it to dry because it should not be wet while deep frying.
  10. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. To check the temperature of the oil, drop a small piece of the dough. If it rises up quickly means the temperature is right to start the frying.
  11. Gently add the prepared pastry in the hot oil, two at a time. Do not over crowd the pan. Fry on medium flame till golden brown in color on both sides.
  12. Carefully remove on paper towel to drain off the excess oil. You can see the layers so clearly and its crispiness too.
  13. It will be slightly oily. If you want to eat healthy then you can bake it in convection mode at 180° for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  14. Flaky and Delicious Veg Puff Pastry is ready. Enjoy it hot with a hot cup of tea or coffee.

So that’s going to wrap this up for this special food veg puff pastry recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!