Drumsticks Coriander Clear Soup
Drumsticks Coriander Clear Soup

Hello everybody, it is me again, Dan, welcome to our recipe site. Today, we’re going to make a special dish, drumsticks coriander clear soup. It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a bit unique. This will be really delicious.

Drumsticks Coriander Clear Soup is one of the most favored of current trending foods on earth. It is simple, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. Drumsticks Coriander Clear Soup is something which I have loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look wonderful.

Healthy and nutritious drumstick soup which taste so delicious. It is rich in iron and is full of health benefits. Similar Recipes, Sweet Corn Chowder Sweet Corn Chicken Soup Dal Veg Soup Mushroom Cream Soup Veg Clear Soup. Add coriander leaves and mix well.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have drumsticks coriander clear soup using 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Drumsticks Coriander Clear Soup:
  1. Make ready 3 drumsticks
  2. Prepare 2 tbsp coriander leaves finely chopped
  3. Take 1 tsp butter
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp finely chopped carrot pieces
  5. Prepare 2 tbsp finely chopped green capsicum pieces
  6. Get to taste Salt & black pepper powder

However, as winter is all filled with green vegetables, you How about preparing a coriander soup at home? Here is a simple and quick lemon and coriander clear soup recipe to enjoy the winter season. These chicken drumsticks are extra flavorful thanks to a marinade that's smoky, sweet and a little spicy. These smoky grilled chicken legs get a boost of flavor from a marinade made with brown sugar, mustard, coriander and jalapeño.

Instructions to make Drumsticks Coriander Clear Soup:
  1. Wash and cut drumsticks into 3" long pieces. Slit them into half.
  2. Boil these drumsticks pieces with 11/2 glass of water. Cool.
  3. Scrap pulp from boiled drumsticks. Grind this pulp in mixer jar with looking drumsticks stock(water from boiled drumsticks).
  4. In small tadka pan add heat butter, add finely chopped carrots and capsicum pieces..saute for few minutes till tender.
  5. In pot vessel add drumsticks pulp mixture, drumsticks stock water and sauteed carrot and capsicum pieces. Add 1 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves. Add salt and pepper powder, boil for 5 mins.
  6. Pour in soup bowls, Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve Hot.

These chicken drumsticks are extra flavorful thanks to a marinade that's smoky, sweet and a little spicy. These smoky grilled chicken legs get a boost of flavor from a marinade made with brown sugar, mustard, coriander and jalapeño. Drumstick soup recipe is nutritious soup made from drumsticks and loved by people of all age groups. I had this idea from a long time and I wanted to try it out. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve hot.

So that’s going to wrap this up for this exceptional food drumsticks coriander clear soup recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am sure that you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!