Healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya
Healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya

Hello everybody, it is me, Dave, welcome to our recipe page. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya. One of my favorites. For mine, I will make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It is easy, it’s quick, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions every day. Healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya is something which I’ve loved my entire life. They are fine and they look wonderful.

Presenting a famous Gujarati Snack recipe - Lauki Dhokla/Doodhi Muthia - Traditional Dhokla, but made with Lauki and a mixture of multigrain flours. A famous gujarati snack Lauki muthiya from mansi ki Rasoi A perfect breakfast and evening snacks and tiffin recipe for kids with. Doodhi Muthia recipe, Dudhi na Muthiya, How to make lauki muthiya recipe with detailed step by step photos and video. Muthia is a fist-shaped steamed doodhi muthiya is a fist-shaped steamed snack that's much-loved by the Gujaratis.

To begin with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can have healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya using 25 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya:
  1. Prepare 200 gms wheat flour
  2. Make ready 150 gms gram flour
  3. Take 250 gms Bottle gourd
  4. Prepare 50 gms ginger
  5. Make ready 6-7 cloves garlic
  6. Get 3-4 green chillies
  7. Prepare Few Curry leaves
  8. Get 1/2 tbsp garam masala powder
  9. Make ready 1 and half tbsp salt
  10. Prepare 3 tbsp sugar
  11. Take 1/2 tbsp turmeric powder
  12. Make ready 2 pinches hing
  13. Take 1 lemon
  14. Take 1/2 cup curd
  15. Get 1/2 tbsp red chilli powder
  16. Prepare 2 tbsp Oil for greasing
  17. Get For tadka.
  18. Take 4 tbsp oil
  19. Get 1 tbsp mustard seeds
  20. Make ready 1/2 tbsp jeera
  21. Prepare 4 tbsp til
  22. Make ready some curry leaves
  23. Get 1/2 pinch hing
  24. Get For Steaming—
  25. Prepare 3 glasses water

If you love Gujarathi food, find more Gujarathi Recipes and more snack recipes like potato. notes firstly, lauki can be replaced with methi leaves to prepare methi na muthiya. finally, dudhi na muthiya recipe is very healthy and tasty when prepared with mixed vegetables. So today i have for you all one such healthy nutritious snack "Muthiya / Muthia " from the Gujarati cuisine. Best part of this dish is that they are not only low cal but delicious as well. Have them for your breakfast or munch it as snack or pack it off for lunchbox.

Instructions to make Healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya:
  1. First, we grate the bottle guard..chop garlic and ginger and cut the chillies.
  2. Take a pan for steaming the muthiya turn on the flame..add water in it.
  3. Now take the grated bottle guard, ginger, garlic,chilli, lemon juice, curd and all masala in a pan. Add both flours in it..combine well. Make a thick paste.
  4. Now Grease the hand with oil…and prepare cylindrical roll.Keep on to the steamer with low medium flame for 20- 25 minutes.
  5. After 25 minutes, turn off the flame, check the muthiya with a knife if it is non-sticky, then muthiya is ready to cut into pieces.
  6. Now take another pan for shallow fry the muthiya heat it up. Add 4 tbsp oil, add mustard seeds,jeera, curry leaves and till in it.Add hing also…when til get golden brown add the muthiya in it…fry for 5 minutes by stirring.
  7. Now turn off the flame,take out all the muthiya and serve hot. This is also remains crunchy after 7-8 hours and same as in taste.

Best part of this dish is that they are not only low cal but delicious as well. Have them for your breakfast or munch it as snack or pack it off for lunchbox. Lauki nu Muthia absorbs less oil and is made with steam. It is an nutritious and a tasty recipe of Gujarat. Green Peas or Matar Muthiya is a healthy breakfast recipe you can prepare with or without.

So that’s going to wrap this up with this exceptional food healthy doodhi (lauki)muthiya recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m sure you will make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!