Raviolo Al Uovo
Raviolo Al Uovo

Hello everybody, it’s Louise, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, raviolo al uovo. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Raviolo Al Uovo is one of the most popular of recent trending meals in the world. It’s enjoyed by millions every day. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. They’re nice and they look wonderful. Raviolo Al Uovo is something which I have loved my whole life.

To serve: Butter Parmesan cheese, freshly grated Basil, cut into chiffonade. Picture this: gorgeous oversized ravioli filled with a ring of creamy ricotta surrounding a perfectly intact, perfectly runny yolk. Den här gången levlar vi lite i svårighetsgrad. Jag har lagat raviolo al uovo, ett recept från Barolo, Piemonte i Italien.

To begin with this recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can cook raviolo al uovo using 23 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Raviolo Al Uovo:
  1. Prepare For the Dough:
  2. Prepare 8 oz Flour (00 if you can get it)
  3. Take 2 eggs and 1 yolk
  4. Get 1/4 cup EVOO
  5. Prepare Salt and pepper
  6. Take as needed Water
  7. Take For the filling:
  8. Prepare 1 cup ricotta
  9. Make ready 3 slices bacon/pancetta
  10. Prepare 1 bunch parsley chopped fine
  11. Make ready 1 bunch basil chopped fine
  12. Prepare 3/4 cup Parmigiano Reggiano
  13. Prepare 1 egg
  14. Take 4 egg yolks (hold in separate bowls, try to not break the yolks)
  15. Get Salt and pepper
  16. Take For the sauce:
  17. Take 1 red bell pepper chopped
  18. Get Juice and zest of an orange
  19. Get Juice and zest of a lime
  20. Take 1 bunch mint chopped fine
  21. Get 1 shot water
  22. Take Boiling Liquid:
  23. Prepare 1-1 1/2 quarts broth (or a water/broth mixture)

Visualizza altre idee su ricette, ravioli, pasta all'uovo. E' bello girare tra i blog perché puoi trovare sempre l'ispirazione e quando mi sono imbattuta nel suo blog mi. Dużo ravioli z płynnym żółtkiem i farszem z sera ricotta, podawane z tartym parmezanem i listkami szałwii smażonymi na maśle. Sapessi quanti 'tortelli all'uovo' di altri chef abbiamo visto… con i social smascheri abbastanza in fretta.

Steps to make Raviolo Al Uovo:
  1. In a small bowl mix together all of the ingredients for the filling EXCEPT for the egg yolks. Set aside (in the fridge) in a zip lock bag until it is time to fill.
  2. Prepare the pasta dough. Dump the flour onto a work surface, make a well about 6-8 inches across. Crack all of the eggs in and add the oil and salt/pepper. Stir with a fork, whisking the eggs, and slowly working flour into the center.
  3. Once the center liquid is no longer so runny that it runs all over the place, begin to really work the dough, kneading for about 15 minutes. It will slowly turn more golden, rendering a soft supple dough ball.
  4. In a large (shallow if you have it) pot bring the boiling Liquid to a simmer slowly until the raviolo are made.
  5. Cut the dough in half, and roll thin. (Use a pasta roller, don't be a hero). You will now have two sheets of very thin dough. Keep under a damp kitchen towel until you are ready to fill and seal.
  6. On one sheet, measure (with a custard bowl or ramekin) about 3-3 1/2 inch circles and determine where you need to place your filling "nests". Pipe some of the ricotta mixture on each 3-3 1/2 inch "template" if you will. You don't need much, maybe 1-2 tablespoons?
  7. Dip a large spoon into hot water and create a small divot in the center of the filling. Slowly place the egg yolk in the center. Lay the other sheet of pasta over the filling/yolks and press around each "nest" with your fingers to create a preliminary seal.
  8. Using a knife or pasta rolling cutter, liberate each raviolo from the collective sheet. Roll/press the edges of each raviolo thinner to ensure even cooking as well as a better seal.
  9. Hold on a plate with a few drops of EVOO rubbed on it until ready to boil and fry.
  10. In a small saucepan, combine all sauce ingredients, bring to simmer and allow to cook for 5-10 minutes. Blend with an immersion blender or stand blender. (Pass through a sieve of you have the time/will) set aside.
  11. In a sauce pan large enough to accommodate all of your raviolo, melt some butter along with any herb or garlic you'd like (this is to fry the raviolo after boiling)
  12. Once the broth is boiling (lightly) place each raviolo in carefully. Do this with 15 seconds in between each one to make it easier to pull them out in order. (Make sure you keep an eye to remember which one is which)
  13. Boil for approximately 4-5 minutes, remove from the liquid into the butter, and baste until they are done. It is difficult to give exact times, you just have to guess. Just don't go too long on this, you want to keep the raviolo soft and tender (also the yolk runny)
  14. I plated my raviolo over the sauce with a few drops of balsamic vinegar but it's up to you. I think that's the better choice so you can truly appreciate the egg yolk running out of the finished product. Top with Parmigiano Reggiano and a few drops of good evoo and enjoy with a salad and some garlic bread!

Dużo ravioli z płynnym żółtkiem i farszem z sera ricotta, podawane z tartym parmezanem i listkami szałwii smażonymi na maśle. Sapessi quanti 'tortelli all'uovo' di altri chef abbiamo visto… con i social smascheri abbastanza in fretta. GROVE, Lakewood Ranch: "Does the kitchen serve uovo raviolo?" Ecco i ravioli al vapore della tradizione cinese da fare in casa con la ricetta originale per realizzare la pasta Wonton servita con o senza brodo. I ravioli sono una famiglia di prodotti tipici della cucina italiana, consistenti in quadrati o tondi di pasta all'uovo ripiegati a contenere ripieno a base di carne, pesce, verdure o formaggio, a seconda delle varie tipologie locali.

So that is going to wrap this up with this special food raviolo al uovo recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident you will make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!