Brown beans soup with chicken feet
Brown beans soup with chicken feet

Hey everyone, hope you’re having an amazing day today. Today, we’re going to prepare a distinctive dish, brown beans soup with chicken feet. It is one of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Chris De La Rosa of shares his take on traditional Caribbean chicken foot soup. In the Caribbean we use the entire chicken, so making a. The soup is dark due to the black beans but don't be deceived but it's outlook, ie, tinted chicken feet, ribs and even lotus roots. It's really light and Blanch chicken feet.and pork ribs/chicken bones.

Brown beans soup with chicken feet is one of the most popular of current trending foods in the world. It’s easy, it is quick, it tastes delicious. It’s appreciated by millions daily. They’re fine and they look wonderful. Brown beans soup with chicken feet is something that I have loved my entire life.

To begin with this recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can have brown beans soup with chicken feet using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Brown beans soup with chicken feet:
  1. Get 1 cup brown beans
  2. Prepare 300 g chicken feet
  3. Prepare 1 large carrot
  4. Get 1 green pepper
  5. Get 5 leaves chomolia
  6. Get 1 handful macaroni
  7. Prepare 1 sachet benny spice
  8. Prepare 3 liter water for all cooking
  9. Make ready 2 tbs olive oil

Brown beans soup with chicken feet. brown beans•chicken feet•large carrot•green pepper•chomolia•handful macaroni•benny spice•water for all cooking. Cantonese Chicken Feet Soup is so classic, I feel like a fraud for not posting it sooner! Since it's the season for soups, I hope you give this traditional Bill's parents used to make Cantonese Chicken Feet Soup all the time, and that's who I learned it from. I'm pretty certain all Cantonese kids have had.

Instructions to make Brown beans soup with chicken feet:
  1. Boil brown beans until well cooked
  2. In separate pot boil chicken feet
  3. After mashing brown beans add water and sieve them
  4. Add chomolia leaves chicken feet diced carrot green pepper benny spice and oil boil for another 20minutes
  5. Ready to serve

Since it's the season for soups, I hope you give this traditional Bill's parents used to make Cantonese Chicken Feet Soup all the time, and that's who I learned it from. I'm pretty certain all Cantonese kids have had. Chicken foot soup does not sound very appetizing, but it is reputed to be good for maintaining beautiful skin because of the high levels of collagen. Chicken feet do not look very nice. It may even be repulsive to some, especially the way they are packed and presented at the supermarkets.

So that’s going to wrap it up with this exceptional food brown beans soup with chicken feet recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I’m sure that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!