五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket)
五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket)

Hey everyone, it’s me, Dave, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, 五香炆牛腩 (five favor beef brisket). One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket) is one of the most well liked of current trending meals on earth. It’s simple, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions daily. They’re fine and they look wonderful. 五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket) is something that I’ve loved my whole life.

MamaCheung's Five Spice Beef Shin, great as an appetiser or serve it with noodles. It tastes great! 五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket) 五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket). MamaCheung's Five Spice Beef Shin, great as an appetiser or serve it with noodles. HKCooking. 世上最正之炆牛腩. 出前一丁呢家嘢真係好癲,我只能夠講佢會令到呢個極品牛腩推到好味嘅極點! 最後,我有個秘密要講,我有個 friend 一次過食咗三個出前一丁! beef brisket 牛腩.

To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have 五香炆牛腩 (five favor beef brisket) using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make 五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket):
  1. Take Core Ingredients
  2. Get 300 g x Beef Brisket (牛腩)
  3. Get 0.5 Unit x Chopped Onion
  4. Get 2 Unit x Chopped Garlic Ball
  5. Prepare 1 Unit x Green Onion
  6. Get 5 pieces x Ginger (with Skin & Washed)
  7. Take Some Sake / White Wine
  8. Make ready Broth Ingredients
  9. Get 2 Big Unit x Crystal Sugar (冰糖)
  10. Get 3 Teaspoon x Fennel (小茴香)
  11. Get 8 Unit x Star Anise (八角)
  12. Prepare 1 Teaspoon x Cloves (丁香)
  13. Make ready 1 Teaspoon x Sichuan Pepper (花椒)
  14. Get 2 Sticks x Chinese Cinnamon (肉桂皮)
  15. Make ready 2 Unit x Cardamom (草果)
  16. Make ready 3-4 Unit x Bay Leaves (Optional)
  17. Prepare Some Soy Sauce
  18. Make ready Some 老抽
  19. Take 0.5 Teaspoon x Salt (Little Salt is OK)
  20. Make ready Vegetables
  21. Make ready Some White Radish (白蘿蔔)
  22. Make ready Some Carrots (紅蘿蔔)

Some noodle houses even advertise beef brisket as their specialty. It is always on my to do list every time when I travel to Hong… Put in beef brisket and tendon cubes once you can smell the garlic and ginger smoking. Brown the brisket and tendon for five minutes and turn over often to avoid burning. Add the radish to the stew in the last forty-five minutes of cooking, since it takes a shorter time to turn soft compared to the beef.

Steps to make 五香炆牛腩 (Five Favor Beef Brisket):
  1. Water Clean Beef Brisket for 5 mins to remove excessive blood from the meat, then remove the Beef Brisket and rinse it with tap water
  2. Pan Fry Beef Brisket: #1 High Heat with some oil to cook Beef Brisket turn brown on the outside. #2 Add the rest of Core Ingredients and fry them until all turn brown. #3 Add Sake for adding the smell
  3. Stew Beef Brisket: #1 Add all Herbs and Sauce to pan with the Beef Brisket. #2 Add hot water (or slowly adding cold water) to good level (at least covering all the ingredients, suggest more than that if you have a loose pan lid) that can stew the Beef Brisket for 1.5-2 hours. #3 Once the water gets boiled, turn fire to Medium Heat. #4 Occasionally check on water level to ensure no burn out. #5 Stew for recommend of 1.5 to 2hrs depending on the type of meat and amount
  4. Add Vegetables: #1 At last adding the Vegetables and stew them until they get soft - recommend to add the Vegetables in the last 20 mins for the best result.

Brown the brisket and tendon for five minutes and turn over often to avoid burning. Add the radish to the stew in the last forty-five minutes of cooking, since it takes a shorter time to turn soft compared to the beef. You can omit the radish or reduce the quantity as stated in the recipe. 吃慣了那惹味的柱侯牛腩,來個清新的清湯牛腩吧。見到這特瘦不肥的牛腩,怎可不買回家呢?尤其另一半是牛腩的粉絲。 煮法跟炆牛腩相差不遠。 但最重要是那湯底。 湯底靚,就一定好味。 用牛腩煲成湯底,很清香鮮味的。 This classic Cantonese style braised beef brisket stew is flavorful and absolute mouth-watering and you can easily make it with this step-by-step recipe. Beef brisket soup is the perfect slow cooking beef dish. This recipe does not feature any strong herbs or spices.

So that is going to wrap it up with this special food 五香炆牛腩 (five favor beef brisket) recipe. Thank you very much for reading. I am sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!