Chicken and Waffles (Pennsylvania Dutch style)
Chicken and Waffles (Pennsylvania Dutch style)

Hello everybody, it is Brad, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, chicken and waffles (pennsylvania dutch style). One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Chicken and Waffles (Pennsylvania Dutch style) is one of the most favored of recent trending foods in the world. It is simple, it’s fast, it tastes delicious. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. They are fine and they look fantastic. Chicken and Waffles (Pennsylvania Dutch style) is something that I have loved my entire life.

An Amish/Pennsylvania Dutch specialty, this curious compilation is seen more frequently in the towns east of Pittsburgh, where it pops up on local restaurant and buffet menus from State College to Lancaster to Reading. "Whenever I've tried to discuss our style of chicken and waffles with people. And WE eat our chicken and waffles the Pennsylvania Dutch way: tender roasted or stewed chicken, shredded and lovingly put to bed atop a hot waffle It seems the farther away you get from Pennsylvania Dutch country and Northeast PA, the less people know of this version of an. Chicken and waffles is an American dish combining chicken with waffles. Places Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania RestaurantBreakfast & Brunch Restaurant The Coop Chicken and Waffles.

To begin with this particular recipe, we must prepare a few components. You can cook chicken and waffles (pennsylvania dutch style) using 12 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Chicken and Waffles (Pennsylvania Dutch style):
  1. Prepare 1 tbsp olive oil
  2. Get 4 lb chicken (whole or bone in pieces)
  3. Prepare 1 salt and pepper and poultry seasoning
  4. Get 32 oz box of low sodium chicken broth
  5. Take 48 oz box low sodium chicken broth
  6. Get 2 medium carrots (washed and halved)
  7. Make ready 2 bay leaves (I used dried)
  8. Make ready 2 stalks celery (cleaned and halved)
  9. Get 2 medium onions (peeled and halved)
  10. Make ready 12 tbsp flour
  11. Prepare 1 cup cold water
  12. Get 1 Frozen Homestyle Waffles (or homemade)

When I was nine, my Dad told me that Chicken and Waffles comes from soul food, and I believe he is correct. The pairing of pulled chicken and waffle with gravy is well-known as Pennsylvania Dutch chicken and waffle. This version is popular in the. Soul food style chicken and waffles, served with peaches and cream as dessert.

Instructions to make Chicken and Waffles (Pennsylvania Dutch style):
  1. Preheat your stock pot and heat the olive oil.
  2. Season all sides of chicken with salt, pepper, and poultry seasoning.
  3. Put chicken in pot and brown both sides.
  4. Add broth, bay leaves, celery, onion, and carrots to the pot.
  5. Simmer until chicken is well cooked and falling off the bone.
  6. Remove chicken from the pot and place in a large bowl. Let cool slightly until cool enough to handle.
  7. Remove skin and discard. Pull meat from the bones and tear into bite size pieces putting in a separate bowl.
  8. Remove bay leaves and vegetables from pot and discard. Let cool slightly and skim fat. (You can refrigerate and then the fat is very easy to skim.)
  9. In a small bowl add cold water and flour and whisk well until there are no lumps.
  10. Heat stock to a low boil, and add the flour/water mixture a little at a time stirring quickly after each addition.
  11. Check for seasoning before returning the chicken pieces to the pot.
  12. Toast waffles (or make waffles from scratch if you have the time!;)
  13. Serve chicken and gravy over the waffles, and ENJOY! We serve with mashed potatoes too. And whatever veggies you like on the side.

This version is popular in the. Soul food style chicken and waffles, served with peaches and cream as dessert. The traditional Pennsylvania Dutch version consists of a plain waffle with pulled, stewed chicken on top for the combination of chicken and waffles in Southern cookbooks from the era may suggest a later origin. A collection of Pennsylvania Dutch Recipes, most of which are German in origin passed down through many generations of my family Most of my ancestors were Pennsylvania Dutch of German descent. They were primarily farmers who came to this country, often to escape religious persecution in Europe.

So that’s going to wrap it up with this special food chicken and waffles (pennsylvania dutch style) recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I’m confident that you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!